
About us Dalian Jialin

Committed to providing customers with customized smart factory logistics packaging process overall solutions, including central kitchen assembly line equipment, automated three-dimensional warehouse, non-woven packaging production line, AGV truck, and supporting MES production management system, WMS and WCS intelligence Warehouse management system. Specializing in the design and manufacture of complete sets of automated equipment for intelligent warehousing, handling, transportation and packaging in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical, and logistics industries.

  • 2003Years

    Company founded

  • 10million

    Registered capital

  • 32300

    Area covered

  • 40Countries and regions

    Products serve


Dalian Jialin has created successful examples for logistics, manufacturing, new energy, chemical, electronic food and drug industries.

Dalian Jialin Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.

We are a professional manufacturer of integrated solutions for logistics packaging process flow and smart factory solutions, and are committed to providing customers with customized smart factory solutions.

Dalian Jialin machine manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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Contact us

Sales Tel:+86-411-39952788(EN)+86-13322288239(JA)

Address: No. 67 Xiajin line Jinzhou District Dalian, China

